Buffer Analysis
We can say that Basis is the operating system for SAP applications and ABAP. Basis provides services such as communication with the operating system, database communication, memory management, application data collection at runtime, web requests, business data exchange, etc.
The SAP NetWeaver Integration Technology part of the course covers the basic areas of use and properties of the various integration technologies. Interrelationships between the integration technologies, Web Services, ALE, BAPI, Process Integration, Web Application Server are taught. Further contents are the basic communication technologies: IDoc, RFC, http and SOAP.
Error minimization & data security
In the last few years, I have been asked time and again what SAP Basis is and what we SAP Basis administrators do in our daily work. With this blog post I would like to provide a little insight into exactly this area of work.
Without this provisioning component, adjustments to employee permissions in the respective IT resources would have to be implemented by the relevant system administrators. However, manual provisioning processes are by their very nature a source of errors. If an employee's tasks change, the system administrator should consider all active user accounts when modifying and deleting accounts. A modern IDM system therefore helps companies to keep track of users and their permissions, especially in complex and heterogeneous system landscapes.
For administrators, a useful product - "Shortcut for SAP Systems" - is available in the SAP basis area.
Rebuild data files You can specify whether the data files from the EPS packages will be reunzipped each time you try to play.
See the Dictionary Import Log for the cause of the error.