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Error analysis
If the additional memory in the Advanced Storage Area is still not sufficient for the user context, the optional second role area can be used. The size of the second roll range is determined by the difference between the parameters ztta/roll_first and ztta/roll_area. Rolling range has been eliminated in kernel release 7.4, so these parameters are obsolete from then on. Instead, the user context is now stored directly in the Advanced Memory.

In every company with an SAP system, there is someone who is responsible for the SAP Basis. This person ensures the trouble-free operation of the SAP system. He or she accompanies maintenance work and intervenes in special situations, such as poor performance. Even for companies that hand over the operation of the basis to an external service provider, there are often still tasks from the user and authorization management environment at this point.
Troubleshooting and support (2nd and 3rd level support)
Many companies that use or would like to use an SAP Basis system seek advice from external service providers or completely outsource the administration of the system. SAP Basis Consulting is a technical consulting service that covers many tasks and sub-areas related to SAP Basis. Providers include BasisTeam IT Service & Consulting AG, Phoron, Mindsquare and many others.

To ensure audit-proof traceability, you should only allow software components and namespaces to be changed on a production system in exceptional cases and for a limited period of time. This should only be done restrictively to prevent manipulation at the production level.

With "Shortcut for SAP Systems" a tool is available that greatly facilitates some tasks in the SAP basis.

Understandable explanation of the roles Often roles have no talking names and for the decider it is not clear which specific permissions are behind a role.

Technical developments are progressing at high speed.
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