SAP Authorizations Set up login locks securely - SAP Basis

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Set up login locks securely
Take advantage of roll transport feature improvements
You can implement the first request for additional verifications when performing document transactions by using document validation. In this example, we assume that the document is posted through an interface and that you want to check permissions for custom authorization objects and/or certain data constellations. There are different dates for document validation. The complete document can always be validated, if only the information from document header (time 1) or document position (time 2) is available to you, this can also be sufficient depending on the scenario. In such cases, you need to create validation at the appropriate times. Before you can write a User-Exit in a validation, you have to make some preparations.

The first line defines that access to all files is forbidden unless other settings have been made for them in the other lines. The asterisk (*) is in the first place here and in this case for all files and paths. If the asterisk is in a different position, it is interpreted as part of the file name, which is not allowed in Microsoft Windows, for example. In our example table, setting the switches FS_NOREAD = X and FS_NOWRITE = X for all paths prohibits reading and writing. This makes the table a white list. This is preferable to a black list for security reasons. SPTH, on the other hand, becomes a Black List if you remove the first line with PATH = * in our example or if you do not set any of the switches FS_NOREAD, FS_NOWRITE or FS_BRGRU. The second line with PATH = /tmp allows read and write access for all files starting with /tmp, similar to a permission value /tmp*, as an exception to the access ban defined in the first line for all files and paths. This setting is not limited to subdirectories, but includes, for example, all files whose name starts with /tmp-xy. The third line with PATH = /tmp/myfiles defines a permission group with FS_BRGRU = FILE, triggering the subsequent permission check on the S_PATH object. The SAVEFLAG = X switch defines that these files will be included in a backup procedure; however, this is not relevant for the permission award.
Architecture of authorization concepts
CREATE_EMAIL_CONTENT: The example implementation of this method generates the e-mail content. The user ID, the relevant system and the initial password are listed for each user. When the method is called in the Central User Management (ZBV), all initial passwords associated with the system in which the password was reset are listed. You should adapt the content of the e-mail to your requirements.

Additional checks should be performed on document transactions in specific processes. This may be necessary, for example, when booking via interfaces in customer-owned processes, if the booking is to be possible only under certain conditions or on certain accounts.

"Shortcut for SAP systems" is a tool that enables the assignment of authorizations even if the IdM system fails.

However, you should remove all profiles and lock the user.

Up to now, you have had to perform various evaluations with the reports RSUSR200 and RSUSR002 of the user information system (transaction SUIM) and subsequently edit the lists.
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