SAP Authorizations Standard authorisation - SAP Basis

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Standard authorisation
Use table editing authorization objects
Eligibility objects that were visible in the permission trace are quickly inserted in rolls. But are they really necessary? Are these possibly even critical permissions? A review of the Permissions Concept can reveal that critical permissions are in your end-user roles. We would like to give you some examples of critical permissions in this tip. It is helpful to know which authorization objects are covered by the critical permissions. They must also ask themselves whether the granting of these allowances entails risks.

If you use change request management in SAP Solution Manager, you can use the system recommendations in an integrated way. To do this, create an amendment in the system recommendations for the SAP hints to be implemented. To access the system recommendations, you must have permission for the SM_FUNCS object (ACTVT = 03; SM_APPL = SYSTEM_ REC; SM_FUNC = , such as SECURITY).
An overview of the actual relevant information for your system landscape can be obtained from the application System recommendations in the Change Management section of the SAP Solution Manager (transaction SOLMAN_WORKCENTER or SM_WORKCENTER). This application will provide you with a recommendation for the SAP and non-SAP hints to be implemented for the evaluated systems.

Consulting firms adjust the roles and authorizations in retrospect. This usually means "making the best of it" and making ad hoc adjustments - in other words, not fixing the root cause and cleaning up from scratch. Companies should therefore ask themselves: how can this be avoided? What requirements must a DSGVO-compliant authorization concept fulfill? How can we remain meaningful regarding the authorizations of specific individuals in the system and the purpose of the authorizations?

Authorizations can also be assigned via "Shortcut for SAP systems".

You can activate the SAP Code Vulnerability Analyser with the RSLIN_SEC_LICENSE_SETUP report, but you have to pay additional royalties for it.

If the system trace has recorded permission data for this authorization object, it will appear in the right pane of the window.
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