SAP Authorizations What are the advantages of SAP authorizations? - SAP Basis

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What are the advantages of SAP authorizations?
You can use the function block level permission check by setting the FUNC value in the RFC_TYPE field in the S_RFC authorization object. If you still want to allow function groups, specify the value FUGR here. Depending on the RFC_TYPE field, type the name of the function block or group in the RFC_NAME field (name of the RFC object to be protected). This extension of the test is provided by the correction in SAP Note 931251.

The Security Audit Log now logs the table or view name and the scheduled activity of external table access via RFC connections; a new message type has been defined. You can find this fix and an overview of the required support packages in SAP Note 1539105.
Transactional and Native or Analytical Tiles in the FIORI Environment
Even the best authorization tools cannot compensate for structural and strategic imbalances. Even a lack of know-how about SAP authorizations cannot be compensated for cost-effectively by means of tools.

This start authorization check is delivered inactive. To use it, you must activate it. After activation, you can use authorizations to control which Web Dynpro ABAP applications users are allowed to run. For the start authorization check of Web Dynpro ABAP applications, the system uses the authorization object S_START in the same way as the authorization object S_TCODE for transactions. The object has the fields AUTHPGMID, AUTHOBJTYP and AUTHOBJNAM, which correspond to the key fields PGMID, OBJECT and OBJ_NAME of the object catalog (table TADIR). So, during the start authorization check, the Web Dynpro ABAP runtime checks the key of the object catalog entry for the Web Dynpro ABAP application.

Authorizations can also be assigned via "Shortcut for SAP systems".

Before you can write a User-Exit in a validation, you have to make some preparations.

Role selection for mass transport uses the default value help, which offers the Multiple Selection button.
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